Saint Simon 62

España. 2022. Color. 29 min. Documental. .
  • Film Director: Mirari Echávarri López; Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe.
  • Scriptwriter: Mirari Echávarri López; Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe.
  • Cinematography: Mirari Echávarri López; Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe.
  • Editing: Usue Arrieta; Mirari Echávarri López; Ainara Elgoibar Agirrebengoa; Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe.
  • Sound: Mirari Echávarri López; Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe; Santi Salvador.
  • Producer: Mirari Echávarri López; Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe.

In the 80s, a nunnery in Navarra was home to the Arco Iris community. Nowadays the building is inhabited by cloistered monks, and the traces of that period are imperceptible. Two filmmakers approach the place, attracted by the memories of their mothers who, trying to free themselves from the aftermath of Franco's regime, visited the community.

Mirari Echávarri López

Visual artist and educator. She graduated in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country and has recently completed a Masters in Gender, Media and Culture at Goldsmiths University (London). There she has focused her research on the archive of the Women's Art Library. Her first audiovisual piece, Cuerpos #1 Santa Águeda (2017), has been screened at the London and Dublin feminist film festivals, at the international film festival Porto/Post/Doc, as well as in the framework of the exhibitions Yo, la peor de todas (Pamplona), Nueva Sinceridad (Madrid) and Allegoria total (Markina-Xemein).

Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe

Irati Gorostidi Agirretxe (Valle de Egüés, 1988) is a filmmaker and is currently developing her first feature film, Anekumen, selected in Ikusmira Berriak 2022 and in mentoring programs and markets. San Simón 62 was winner of X Films at the Punto de Vista 2021 festival and premiered at the festival in 2022. Her films have been screened internationally at festivals. She studied art and film, and was a Fulbright scholar in New York.


  • · 11/04/2023 - 21:00 at Teatro Salón Cervantes