The ALCINE Youth section is made up of a selection of short films that discuss themes and are of a quality which could be of interest to students and teachers, and therefore employed in classrooms as backup material in multidisciplinary areas and in the study of the language of film. Recommended for the second cycle of ESO, Baccalaureate and Training Cycles of Middle and Upper Grade. From 13-14 years.

Cinema motivates, fascinates, informs, moves, provokes, and makes us more sensible; it catches us, stirs our conscience and appeals to our most sensitive regions. The magic of the word, the lighting and the sound have contributed to the sentimental education of various generations – ours, the one of our grandparents and the one of our children. This section is especially dedicated to the last group. We want to use cinema as a means to convey important values to the youth - humanistic as well as aesthetic-artistically ones, especially for centres of secondary education. The short film –because of its briefness and concreteness– seems to be the right pedagogical medium which could be, used in the right way, very useful and important for a critical and reflective education.

It will be the teacher who –with his intention and ability transforms the medium film into a complete strategy to introduce young viewers to the audiovisual language and to help forming critical citizens who are capable of distin guishing between right and wrong values. Teamwork –the process of learning in collaboration where the respect towards the opinions of others are more than the sum of it all– seems to be the best way to achieve personal and collective enrichment.

The characteristics of the selected short films are perfect for working in the secondary education, high schools, social programs and formative modules. The contents of the films aim at an heightened awareness of the importance of peace, of solidarity; intercultural, moral and civic education, the transition into the adult life and, why not, everything that is related to communication and audiovisual media, the cinematographic language...

In order to facilitate this task we offer the teaching staff a didactic guide open, modifiable, adaptable to every educator’s personal style of teaching; the possibility to see the films before the official screening which allows the professor to prepare the necessary work with his pupils; and the possibility for the pupils to assist the actual screening in cinematographic format. Beyond that, a link of each short film will be handed out to every participating centre for posterior didactical exploration in the classroom.

If we achieve to provide at least a minimal place for the cinema in the classroom and to support the debate and the reflection between teacher and pupils, we are more than satisfied to have contributed –even when it’s only in a modest form and clearly insufficient– to the attempt to solve the deficit under which our educational system suffers concerning audiovisual education. 

The Movies 4 Teens programme will be screened on the following dates:

- Tuesday 21st November, 12h *fully booked
- Thursday 23rd November, 10h*fully booked

The activities are free of charge and will take place at the Teatro Salón Cervantes in Alcalá de Henares.

For organisational reasons it is essential to book before the 21st of October, through our online form:
Once we have received your application, we will send you a confirmation by e-mail as soon as possible.


Please insert your username (Email) and password.

If you don't have any username, you can sign up here.


Polonia. 2023. Blanco/negro. 3 min.
  • Film Director: Pablo Ballarín.
  • España. 2023. Color. 11 min.
    Documental. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Alba Cros Pellisé.
  • Alemania. 2022. Blanco/negro. 6 min.
    Experimental. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Theresa Hoffman; Felizitas Hoffmann.
  • España. 2023. Color. 15 min.
    Ficción. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Mar Pawlowsky.
  • PIG

    Países Bajos. 2022. Color. 8 min.
  • Film Director: Jorn Leeuwerink.
  • Bélgica. 2023. Color. 20 min.
  • Film Director: Salomé Crickx.