In this poem we find seven streams of improvisation, such as that of the troveros, the repentistas, the regueifas, the payadores or the bertsolaris. A poem created by specialists in improvisation, from the oldest person, from the Sierra de la Alpujarra, to a seven year old repentista girl from the Canary Islands.
This audiovisual piece, illustrated by the Cadiz cartoonist Grillante and animated by Alfonso Benítez, portrays the living tradition of improvisation, a journey through southern Europe through a poem of 28 verses, constructed and told by seven different voices, each poet following in the wake of the previous verses, in the manner of an exquisite corpse. .
Hi I'm Grillante (she/her), a freelance illustrator and comic artist from Spain. I work with editorials like El Salto or El Correo. And I also do publishing work with clients like Santillana. I usually draw digital, and I can draw for adult and young people.