
Francia. 2022. Color. 15 min. Animación. .
  • Film Director: Joachim Hérissé.
  • Scriptwriter: Joachim Hérissé.
  • Cinematography: Simon Filliot.
  • Editing: Cathérine Aladenise.
  • Music: Antoine Duchene.
  • Sound: Valentin Fayaud.
  • Producer: Joachim Hérissé; Stephanie Launay; Augusto Zanovello.

In an old building, lost in the middle of the swamp, live two strange women, Siamese twins by one leg. At night, the Flayed has terrifying nightmares in which she sees her sister's flesh covering her own body...

Joachim Hérissé

An animator, author and self-taught director, Joachim has worked since 2000 as a 3D animator in Parisian special effects and animation studios. Since 2005, he has produced two cut-out animated series for Canal+ Jeunesse, Moko enfant du monde and Un drôle d’animal. Passionate about frame-by-frame volume animation, in 2010 he began working as an author-director on stop-motion animated films which led to the production of his first short film Ecorchée, co-produced by Arte.


  • · 11/03/2023 - 21:00 at Corral de Comedias