
España. 2022. Color - blanco/negro. 6 min. Animación. Vídeo.
  • Film Director: Choche Ezquiel Hurtado.
  • Animation: Elías Fraguas; Sabina Urraca.
  • Poster designer: Choche Hurtado.

Kokuruga are a series of small animation pieces that narrate in the form of a poem, haiku or story, a brief moment in the life of a girl or a boy.

Choche Ezquiel Hurtado

Choche Hurtado (Logroño, 1987). He has worked as a designer, illustrator and animator for Telefónica, Unidad Editorial, La Marea, Ministerio de Trabajo, Festival Keroxen, La Casa Encendida, Orange, Endesa, Wible, Volvo or the publishing house Fulgencio Pimentel, among others. In 2019, his first exhibition took place, which included illustrations and textiles, at Tipos Infames. The first fragments of his Kokuruga project have been selected in 2021 and 2022 at the Weird Market (International Animation Short Film Market), in the 2022 edition of Animario and at the film and artistic process festival Los Trabajos y las Noches, in its 2022 edition.


  • · 11/04/2023 - 19:00 at Teatro Salón Cervantes