In this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again.
Pablo Polledri is an independent filmmaker that enjoys carrying out all processes necessary to develop his creations. He has independently done several short films that have been exhibited worldwide.
He currently works as a freelance animator, motion graphics designer and illustrator for brands and studios across a wide range of media, including film, television, mapping projection, advertising and web content.
Bon Appétit (2017) / Corp. (2016) / Sinécdoque (2014) / Sr. Gutiérrez (2013) / Momentos (2012) / El candidato (2012) / Apple Pie (2011) / La máquina de Dios (2011) / Incordia (2010) / Rechazo (2010) / Tabaco-western (2009) / La mitad del Amor (2008) / Lágrimas demasiado Tarde (2007) / Recordando (2007) / Los Pecadores (2007) / El último viaje (2006)