Alsonic, Cool Nordic Sounds for the Festival

Alsonic, Cool Nordic Sounds for the Festival
Every year ALCINE has its very own original soundtrack. It is provided by one of its up and coming parallel sections. Alsonic is its name; an essential date for music lovers and film buffs alike, with sounds and melodies intimately related to the universe of film.

This year's ALCINE39 'soundtrack' has its origins in the Nordic countries, the region chosen by the thirty ninth film festival for a special section. Music will play a special part in the '24 Nordic Hours' section. It will share the space with short films from the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, the screening of a debut feature film, and a series of round tables attended by Nordic directors.

A Swedish group and a Norwegian singer, both up and coming artists, will perform to provide a distinctive note to the festival, which always reserves a special place for its music. First up is Detektivbyrån (, a Scandinavian threesome specialized in electro-acoustic instrumental music with accordions, trumpets, guitars and drums, and other instruments too. Their concert will be held on Friday the 6th of November at the Teatro Salón Cervantes, after the inauguration ceremony. Entrance is free while tickets last.

Music will then jump from the Teatro Salón Cervantes to the Corral de Comedias for the second event, the protagonist of which is Norwegian Singer Rockettothesky (, the artistic name behind Jenny Hval. Music for sensitive ears, moving between pop and experimental folk, whose performances are always shrouded in a cloak of mystery. Rockettothesky will perform on Friday the 13th at 21:00. Entrance is free while tickets last.
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